Tv programme
“City of Heroes”
Season 1 episode 1
Script VO
Overview of Central City. Cars drive through the
streets. A red flash passes between cars.
BARRY’S VOICE OFF: To understand what
I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first, you need to believe in
the impossible. Can you do that? Good. You see that red blur? That's me. That
too. There I am again. My name is Barry Allen. I am the fastest man alive.
BARRY: My story is pretty simple. My whole
life, I've been running. Usually from bullies. Sometimes I escaped sometimes I
did not.
Nora Allen, Barry's mother, nurses after a bunch of
kids have it beaten. Henry Allen, the father comes home.
NORA: Tell me what happened?
BARRY: Those guys were picking on kids. Just
'cause they thought they weren't cool. It wasn't right.
NORA: I know.
BARRY: I guess I wasn't fast enough.
NORA: No. You have such a good heart, Barry.
And it's better to have a good heart than fast legs.
HENRY: Hello. I'm home.
NORA: Barry got into a fight.
HENRY: Oh yeah?
NORA: And he won.
HENRY: Ah, way to go, Slugger. Oh, and no more
fighting. Mh-hmm.
Later, Barry sleeps. He is awakened by noises
then finds strange phenomena.
BARRY’S VOICE OFF: But after that
night, I was running from something much scarier. Something I could never
explain. Something impossible.
NORA: Barry!
NORA: Barry, go!
NORA: Get a doctor!
BARRY: Mom! Mom!
HENRY: Nora!
NORA: David!
HENRY: Nora! Run, Barry, run!
Barry is alone in the street.
BARRY: Mom? Dad?
Barry runs.
Computer Game
Video | Audio |
FADE UP EXT DINER (Maggie’s diner) | MUSIC UP Buddy Holly ("Peggy Sue") |
INT DINER CU PIES under glass | MUSIC PLAYS along with NAT SOUND |
Counter - tilt up to MS Waitress delivering milkshake. CU CUSTOMER #1 in booth eating dinner - looks up | |
MS DOLLY DOWN AISLE (camera passes customers in both booths) | MUSIC & NAT SOUND UNDER NARRATOR V.O.: Maggie’s diner, just off the New York turnpike has been serving up burgers and shakes since 1930. |
TRACKING SHOT MS WAITRESS with tray | Maggie’s Diner hasn’t changed much in the 70 years it’s been Open. Customers can still get friendly service, |
CAMERA FOLLOWS TRAY as she sets it down in front of a customer. | good food, and an atmosphere that takes us back to a time of innocence and youth. |
MS WAITRESS scooping ice cream. CU MILKSHAKE MACHINE | CHUCK HAINES VO: I remember when I was eight years old, having my first milkshake. |
CU CHUCK HAINES | I was sitting right over at that counter. I took one taste and I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven. |
FADE UP MS SMILING WOMAN in passenger seat (b&w 1940s Ford car commercial) | MUSIC UP (1940s "Two Lovebirds") |
MS MAN DRIVING (from same Commercial) | NARRATOR V.O.: Early in the 20th century, America began a love affair that still burns today. |
TRACKING SHOT CAR with couple | America fell in love with the automobile. |
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